Sunday, April 26, 2009

Interlocking Headphones !

Yoonsang Kim's latest project is all about to add more mobility, hygiene and portability for your mp3 player.

It actually solves the problem of tangled wires by allowing you to interlock earphones behind your neck when they are not in use.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Drumstick Pencils !

The idea itself is not original, Moko Sellars designed a pair of drumstick pencils for SUCK UK in 2008. You can purchase them on their website for £5.00.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Colgate Reminds Kids

Colgate normally gives out small product samples at annual events like “Oral Health Month” to remind target consumers, especially kids, to take better care of their teeth after eating sweets. This method does not drive strong results as most consumers tend to forget the message, even if they have collected the samples.

Instead of giving away product samples, ice cream and cotton candy were given out. The stick carrying the ice cream and cotton candy carries a hidden message.

Once consumers are done the message printed on the tip of the stick shaped like a toothbrush reveals “Don’t Forget” with the Colgate logo.

This simple message effectively reminded consumers to brush their teeth.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Indeed 6th Feb was my Birthday.

dank u! merci! danke! σας ευχαριστούμε! grazie! ありがとう!!! obrigado! вы! gracias! 谢谢! tesekkurler dofftuuuum!

Latest project of Tastan. Thanks to all posers at the dorm / apt.

<3 dana!

Sharky the Infuser

Tea infuser, designed by Pablo Matteoda from Argentina.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Road Art by Roadsworth

Roadsworth began painting the streets of Montreal in the fall of 2001. Initially motivated by a desire for more bike paths in the city and a questioning of “car culture” in general, he continued to develop a language around street markings and other elements of the urban landscape using a primarily stencil based technique. In the fall of 2004.

He got arrested for his nocturnal activities and charged with 53 counts of mischief. Despite the threat of heavy fines and a criminal record he received a relatively lenient sentence which he attributes in part to the public support he received subsequent to his arrest.

Still he has big fans and keeping the roads up with his art.

Aquarium Phone Booth

Benoit Deseille and Benedetto Bufalino have transformed a regular telephone booth into a functioning aquarium for the Lyon Light Festival in France.